Mint Sandwich Chutney Recipe by Gowri Chebbi
Enjoy the refreshing taste of mint combined with the nuttiness of sesame seeds in this delightful chutney, perfect for any sandwich or wrap.
- 2 bunches of mint, lightly roasted with 1 tsp of oil
- ½ bunch of coriander leaves
- ½ cup sesame seeds, dry roasted
- ½ tsp roasted fenugreek seeds powder
- 8 to 10 green chilies, roasted with 1 tsp of oil
- Salt, to taste
- 2 tbsp lemon juice
1. Combine the roasted mint, coriander leaves, roasted sesame seeds, fenugreek seeds powder, roasted green chilies, salt, and lemon juice in a grinder.
2. Blend everything together until it forms a smooth paste, ensuring not to add any water.
3. Transfer to an airtight container and use as a spread to elevate your sandwiches or wraps.